Getting an auto accident lawyer is a smart move if you are involved in a car accident. When it comes to your legal rights, you want to make sure that you have the right legal representation in order to ensure that you get the compensation that you need.
Identifying the cause of the accident
Identifying the cause of the auto accident is an important consideration in determining who is at fault and in repairing damages. The most common types of crashes include rear end collisions and collisions with moving vehicles at an angle. Each of these types is subject to a different degree of subjectivity.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) provides the following statistics: drivers account for 94 percent of traffic accidents; unspecified reasons account for eight percent of driver-associated accidents; and driver fatigue accounts for seven percent of driver-associated accidents. While some factors are more difficult to verify at the scene of an accident, all drivers have a duty to maintain a safe stopping distance.
An eyewitness report is more subjective. A police report on the other hand, is an objective look at the accident. A police officer is experienced at collecting and asking the right questions. However, the information they provide may not be all that necessary in determining the cause of the auto accident.
The other important thing to remember is that the best way to find out who is at fault in an accident is to get a police report. You can get one at the scene of the accident or you can contact your insurance company. Insurance companies will review the facts relating to the accident and then determine who is at fault based on state law. In either case, the person who is at fault will be liable for any damages or personal injuries. This can be very expensive.
The best way to find out who is at fault in an accident is to gather as much evidence as possible at the scene of the accident. This includes the license plate number and contact information of witnesses. You can also take photos of the damage to your car. You should also record any comments that other drivers make.
Getting the services of an auto accident lawyer in Tacoma
Getting the services of an auto accident lawyer in Tacoma can help you understand your legal rights and get the compensation you deserve. Tacoma car accident attorneys can help you get back on your feet quickly and avoid the headaches that come with filing a claim.
Car accidents can range from a simple fender bender to a catastrophic accident. Depending on the severity of your injuries, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. A Tacoma car accident lawyer can help you determine the amount of fault and determine which party is liable for your injuries.
If you were involved in a car accident, you may be able to file a claim against the at-fault driver for damages. In Washington, the driver who caused the accident is required to pay through his or her liability insurance. If the at-fault driver has no insurance, you may be able to file based on an uninsured motorist policy.
If the at-fault driver was drunk, the driver may be responsible for your medical bills. In addition, the at-fault driver may be responsible for your losses, such as wages you would have earned if you were not in an accident.
You may also be able to sue for injuries that resulted from defective car parts or equipment. These items can cause a car to malfunction and lead to costly medical care. An automotive expert can explain the vehicle's defects and how the crash unfolded.
You may be able to receive compensation for other expenses, such as lost wages, vocational rehabilitation, or prescription medication. Depending on the severity of your injuries, your personal injury lawyer may seek higher settlements for pain and suffering and emotional distress.
Personal injury protection (PIP) insurance coverage
Whether you're a Washington driver or not, you're legally required to have personal injury protection (PIP) insurance coverage on your vehicle. PIP is a no-fault insurance policy that pays medical bills related to an auto accident.
Unlike health insurance, PIP coverage is a benefit that pays for bills while your claim is pending. PIP insurance can be a good investment. However, it can also be tricky. You may be required to prove that the medical expenses are reasonable. If your PIP claim is denied, you may have to rely on the other driver's insurance coverage to get reimbursed.
In Washington State, the Office of the Insurance Commissioner sets guidelines for personal injury protection coverage. PIP pays for medical expenses for up to $10,000 per injured person.
A PIP policy can be added to your auto insurance policy for a nominal fee. Personal injury protection coverage can also be purchased from your own health insurance carrier. The benefit is that you don't have to pay out of pocket at any point.
You can also use PIP coverage to cover the cost of a funeral for a deceased person. It can also pay for lost wages. PIP insurance pays up to $200 a week for lost wages if you're unable to work.
You'll also want to make sure that your health care provider submits records to your PIP insurance carrier. These records should be legible and coded properly. They should also be available to answer any questions from your PIP adjuster.
If you've had to pay for PIP benefits before, you might not know what you're entitled to. An experienced lawyer can help you with any questions you might have.
Keep track of progress and setbacks
Survivors of car accidents often face health complications, as well as substantial financial losses. You can seek compensation for lost wages, specialized tests, prescription medications, and transportation to medical appointments.
An experienced car accident lawyer in Tacoma, WA can help you get the full amount of compensation you deserve. He can help you negotiate with insurance companies and provide evidence that will support your claim.
It is important to file a personal injury claim as soon as possible after an accident. This allows you to avoid putting your case at risk by delaying action. A delay can make it harder for you to find evidence and may impact your chances of recovering compensation.
The statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim in Washington is three years. It starts from the date of the accident. If you file after the deadline, you will lose your right to file a claim. If you file before the deadline, you may still be able to file a claim, but the compensation will be less.
An experienced car accident lawyer in Tacoma, Washington can help you receive full compensation for your injuries. He can estimate the amount of wages you may lose after the accident, as well as any other losses you may incur. He can also help you obtain evidence that supports your claim, such as photographs of the accident scene and license plate numbers.
If you were not at fault in the accident, you can still receive compensation. In Washington, the non-economic damages cannot exceed 43 percent of the average wage in the state. You can also receive compensation for lost employment opportunities.
The experienced car accident lawyers at Park Chenaur & Associates in Washington have 130 years of combined experience working with insurance companies and can help you receive the compensation you deserve.